#1 Oxygen Builder Plugins and Extensions

June 15, 2020
Colorless Studio
what we need: 
  • Internet Access
  • Any browser, computer, mobile phone or tablet
  • Oxygen Page Builder for Wordpress


Oxygen Builder is a WordPress Theme Builder developed with Page Speed & Performance in mind.

In contrast to Elementor Divi BrizyWPBakery & Similar Page Builders, Oxygen is a more sophisticated solution.

Oxygen Builder provides high flexibility with a class-oriented approach & gives you the ability to design premade templates & reusable parts that act as components that can be reused and inherited. This makes Oxygen to the best Wordpress page builder for developers.

Below is a collection of Oxygen Builder Plugins and Extentions specifically built for Oxygen & commonly used by the Oxygen Builder Community

    HydrogenPack by Cleanplugins

    About Hydrogen pack 

    HydrogenPack is well known & appreciated Oxygen Builder plugin designed for Oxygen Developers to accelerate their working speed by streamlining their development process. It is a lightweight, well maintained plugin that is easy to setup and use out of the box. It will help you build Oxygen Builder Pages faster with less effort. Copy Sections, Classes & Full Oxygen Builder Pages across multiple sites/domains or use the Hydrogen Shortcuts inside Oxygen to significantly improve your working speed inside Oxygen Builder.

    An intuitive contextual menu that saves you the time you usually spend moving the cursor around the corners of the builder interface to apply actions to the current element.

    With its unique clipboard features, Hydrogen Pack allows you to copy elements from one site to another as you normally do with text content.


    HydrogenPack Features:

    • Copy Elements across Pages/Sites
    • Copy Styles across Pages/Sites
    • Hydrogen Right Click Menu
    • Hydrogen Keyboard Shortcuts
    • Sandbox Mode
    • Enhanced Structure Panel
    • Compact Mode
    • Structure Panel Element Icons
    • Disable Edit Locking

    view full list

    Core Design System by OxyNinja

    About Core Design System for Oxygen

    Core by Core by OxyNinja is a collection of beautifully predesigned Page Templates & Sections for Oxygen Builder. All of the elements in the kit are designed with their CSS utility classes, which are the real secret weapon in this package. Core by Oxyninja is the first to implement such a class-based structure in the Oxygen Ecosystem (much like Tailwindcss), which was frequently in the Oxygen Builder Community on Facebook.

    The package comes with a growing amount of 150+ Predesigned sections, which you can either use as a boilerplate to start or begin from scratch to built your sites even faster. Core offers you that Productivity boost you have been craving for while maintaining a small bundle size. The global aspect of core lets you predefine colors, headings, text-size, borders etc. to streamline your design & development process. The newly implemented class auto-suggestions feature in Oxygen 3.3 Alpha 1 unleashes the full potential of core, giving you auto class suggestions in the builder itself making your work even faster.


    You can view all the available Sections in the newly released Core Demo Gallery

    Core is a must & I don’t want to miss it anymore.

    oxygen builder oxyninja core utility class preview

    Assigning predefined utility classes to elements inside Oxygen Builder with the Core Design System in use.

    WooCore Design System for Oxygen

    oxyninja woocore oxygen plugin preview

    WooCore seemlessly integrates with the base of Oxyninjas Core Framework to help you build the rest of your woocommerce pages faster and keep the building experiance consistent.

    WooCore Features:

    • Core base Integration
    • 17+ Full predesigned Templates for:
      • Landing Pages
      • Archive Pages
      • Singe Product Pages
      • Full Member Pages
    • WooCommerce Enhancements
      • Image Flipper on hover
      • Mega Menu
      • Mini Cart in header
      • Sale Badges in %
      • Product Repeater Carousels


    OxyNinja just received a complete rebrand! Check it out! oxyninja.com


    OxyNinja just released WooCore, their new WooCommerce Design Set for Oxygen Builder.

    Swiss Knife for Oxygen Builder by dplugins.com

    swiss knife for oxygen

    About The Swiss Knife for Oxygen Builder

    The Swiss Knife for Oxygen by Dplugins.com is an Oxygen Builder plugin to improve your workflow and overall experience inside the Page Builder. It is a fairly new but appreciated piece of software that commonly known for its UX Improvements in the Oxygen Builder Community. 

    Here are a few features of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Builder:


    Swiss Knife Dark & White Theme

    swiss knife for oxygen dark mode

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Dark Mode

    light mode for Oxygen Builder with swiss knife for oxygen

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Light Mode


    Reimagined Oxygen Top Bar

    swiss knife for oxygen builder top bar

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Improved Top Bar


    Improved Structure Panel

    Enhanced Structure Panel by Swiss Knife for Oxygen

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Enhanced Structure Panel

    structure icons by swiss knife for oxygen builder

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Structure Icons


    Debugging inside the Builder

    debugging mode inside oxygen builder by swiss knife for oxygen

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Debugging Mode


    Code Hint & Emmet.io inside Oxygen

    Code hint inside oxygen builder by oxygen swiss knife by dplugins

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Code Hint Feature

    Dplugins emmet.io oxygen builder swiss knife plugin

    Preview of the Swiss Knife for Oxygen Emmet Feature


    Editor Enhancer for Oxygen Builder

    About Editor Enhancer:

    Editor Enhancer is a Visual Enhancement Plugin for Oxygen Theme Builder. It takes the rather boring User Interface and steps it up a notch, giving you a better working experience and also adding some much-needed Oxygen Builder Features.

    Editor Enhancer Features:

    Editor Enhancer also offers handy tweaks & extension like Session Snapshots, Class Companion, Style Flow, Admin Enhancer, Viewport Buttons as well as adding the well asked for keyboard shortcuts and much more to improve your Workflow.

    You can give Editor Enhancer a try with the free version which is available in the WordPress Plugin Repository.

    Oxygen Builder Plugin Screenshot Editor Enhancer

    Oxygen Builder backend Editor with Editor Enhancer Pro activated.

    Editor Enhancer Style Flow

    Style Flow:

    Style Flow Editor Enhancer lets you see what styles are applied to which breakpoints throughout the selected element. This will massively save you time troubleshooting css conflicts.


    Dashboard Enhancer:

    Dashboard Enhancer has just been released by Max Zimmer in the Oxygen Builder Facebook Group. A seamless addition to Oxygen Builder offering you a simple way to design your own WordPress Dashboards in Oxygen Builder. You can also design separate Dashboards for each user role.


    Grid Controls

    Grid Controls has just been released by Max Zimmer in the Oxygen Builder Facebook Group. This standalone Oxygen extension helps you assign components to be either grid parents or children. Unlike Core by Oxyninja, Grid control gives you the option to design visually rather than work with the predefined utility classes of core. Grid Control might be easier to use for beginners but you will still need to understand how CSS Grid works in general.

    Oxy Toolbox by Oxy Plugins

    About: OxyToolbox

    OxyToolbox developed by Gangan Goraya & Sridhar Katakam (Oxy Plugins) is a great enhancement for Oxygen Builder by two great developers. It offers a few very useful modules like Class Act, Classes Cleaner (similar to purgecss), Text Edit, Custom Conditions, Back To Top, Reading Progress Bar, Table of Contents, Editor Tweaks, Navigator, Rank Math Integration, Yoast Integration, Essentials, Offline Mode, All Templates Button, Remove Themes and Theme Editor From Admin Menu, Scripts, Disable Gutenberg and much more.

    OxyToolbox Features:

    • Class Act (copy & move styles from id or class)
    • Classes Cleaner (Scan & clean unused classes)
    • Custom Oxygen Conditions
      • Language (GEO)
      • Country (GEO)
      • US State (GEO)
      • Mobile Detect
      • Referrer URL Parameter
      • WooCommerce Conditions
    • Reading Progress Bar
    • Table of Content
    • Oxygen Visual Tweaks
    • Offline Mode

    view full list

    OxyExtras by David, Gagan & Sridhar

    About OxyExtras:

    OxyExtras is yet another Oxygen Builder Extension by the well known and respected trio David Browne (WPlit), Gagan Goraya (Nimbufy) & Sridhar Katakam (Oxy Plugins).

    OxyExtras comes loaded with 23+ flexible components that you will most definitely appreciate if you enjoy building your Websites visually.

    All components in Oxyextras can be accessed and edited within the Oxygen Editor’s backend, which will significantly speed up your development process.

    OxyExtra Components:

    Here are some of the components available in OxyExtras.

    view full list

    OxyExtras is sleek, powerful and modular.

    The Oxygen Power Pack - OxyPowerPack

    About OxyPowerPack:

    The OxyPowerPack from Emmanuel Laborin is another great, timesaving addition to Oxygen builder. It gives you a collection of useful tools you can utilize in your workflow, from the timesaving Interactivity Engine to premade Tooltips & Popovers. OxyPowerPack also gives you the option to add Custom HTML Attributes to any Oxygen Builder Elements, which can be useful in many ways. Features like Maintenance ModePower ElementsText RotatorParallax Effectlazy loading, and a good collection of Premade Oxygen Designs Sets round up the whole package. OxyPowerPack also features PowerForms letting you natively integrate forms into your sites.

    OxyPowerPack Features:

    Here are a few features of OxyToolbox:

    screenshot of the oxypowerpack inside oxygen page builder

    One of the most significant benefits of using OxyPowerPack is that you can seamlessly switch between WordPress Pages, Oxygen Templates, Reusable Parts & even navigate inside the Admin Menu without leaving Oxygen. That gives you a huge productivity boost you won’t want to miss.



    OxyPowerPack has been pretty much abandoned by its developers several times in the past. We cannot recommend you to jump in at this point. It still does work pretty decent but do not expect any support or updates. This issue has been raised in the official OxyPowerPack Facebook group several times in the past.

    About the Author

    Colorless Studio
    Meet Aleksei - a designer, developer, and crypto enthusiast who blogs about various topics, including design, development, workflow optimization, cryptocurrencies, building services and many other exciting subjects. As the founder of Colorless Identity, he is always on the lookout for the next upcoming technologies. His deep understanding of the latest, cutting-edge technologies is what you need to accomplish your business goals faster.

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    2 comments on “#1 Oxygen Builder Plugins and Extensions”

    1. thanks for this post. I think you did a great job in summing up what each of the Oxygen Plugin does.

      You helped me with my decision.

      Oxyninja, Oxytoolbox & Editor Enhancer are the ones for me!


    2. Thank you for this summary it helped me getting a overview on oxygen tools.

      I sent you an E-mail for some oxygen consultancy & looking forward to talk to you.



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